
August 9, 2020 at 12:42 PM

beer can

Dear Good Lords’ Table,
How i wait for something to happen
to become life, like a foot slips into a cover
feeling the combination of hard sole
with cool, soft upper
so dark and smooth i look down
for that excitement but
know in a moment i’m
misdirecting; so as replacement for a lover
i write often a poem to the Good Lords
but sometimes a letter to my breathtaking lover
living in another peninsular far from florida,
almost making me forget You
then i realize she does not exist
as she and i will leave each other but
We will always be together;
Thank You Good Lords for warming my soul in this cold heart time

Dear Good Lords,
i offer up this idea to prove i can use my mind;
A cold heart and a warm soul is angelic as the heart can be warmed;
A warm heart and a cold soul is angelic as the soul can be heated;
A warm soul and a warm heart is almost Lord-like - its at least enviable;
A cold heart and a cold soul must exist but i don’t where;
Thank You, Good Lords’ Table for the Love that pervades
